Sunday, May 17, 2015

IS and Palmyra - IS Threat

BBC News: Reports " Islamic State militants have been pushed back from the ancient Syrian site of Palmyra, officials and a monitoring group say.  "

Lets Get Real:

Islamic State (IS) is a threat to the modern values and to history, the Roman ruins of Palmyra have been around for thousands of years, and now IS want to rid the Middle East of its history.   The UN and the West and that includes Russia should create a special force to take out IS,  a good commander with good troops could take out IS within a few weeks, it needs the political will from the US under President Obama, and it would allow Russia to show that it can be the right side for once, they managed it during World War 2, okay it took a German invasion, but they go there, well lets see a UNITED front against IS, the more land they gain the more of a threat they are, one day in the near future they could have ALL Iraq and Syria under its control, and then the World will be in a real mess. 

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