Sunday, May 17, 2015

The FALL of Ramadi to IS - New War on Terror

Lets Get Real:

At what point does the Obama Oval get the fact that only a air war against IS is not working, the US has to consider the use of ground troops and fast, Islamic State is a major threat to the Middle East and to the West.   The Obama Oval is allowing its history when it comes to Iraq to make it stubborn to the fact that the US has to go back in to Iraq and finish IS before there is no Iraqi State just IS.  The political and military elite of the US has to get over the 2003 War, this is a new war, it does not matter who or what caused it, that is for the history books, the US is the only power that can do anything, as stated in this blog the US should try to form a military unit with Russia to wipe out IS and its allies.    Iraq can NOT be allowed to be taken over by IS. 

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