Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Hillary Clinton and the US Left - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:
The best way of Hillary Clinton to deal with the left is for her to tell them to drop dead if they think they will have any part of the Clinton Agenda.  HRC is the only candidate running with a real chance of winning.   If HRC allowed her campaign to be hijacked by the US left she will lose big time in 2016.   The left are under the impression that the UK and USA has gone left since the crash of 2008.  That is a mistake, the economy of the US is getting back into shape, a slow fight but its getting there, there is low unemployment and people are starting to feel confidence in the US economy.   The time for left rubbish was after the 08 crash, the US voted in Obama, first in 08 and then 12.   The Obama Administration is seen to have failed by most Americans, the US needs another Reagan not another Obama.   The left as nowhere to go, its either voting for Hillary or a wasted vote, the Clintons have the aces and they play to win. 

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