Thursday, November 13, 2014

The ObamaCare LIE - What did the President know?

CNN - Politics: Reports " Obamacare architect discussed misleading public in 4th newly uncovered video "
Lets Get Real:
These discovered talks by Jonathan Gruber shows what the elite liberal view of MAIN STREET is, they are fools to be lead by the hand by the political elite in Washington D.C. Well this main street pleb wants to know did the President Obama know that ObamaCare was being sold based on a lie, that millions would lose their health plans, that the prices of health plans would go up, the idea that the costs of health care would go down IS the biggest lie, since its creation the NHS in the UK it has cost more over the years.   The Republicans in January should demand answers, under oath, when did President know and when he thought it was a good idea not to know the facts, a clever man surly would not be fooled like the the rest of MAIN STREET. 

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