Sunday, November 02, 2014

IS update - War on Terror 2

Lets Get Real:

There is NO talking to IS, there can NEVER be any talks, you can not appease these kind of low lifes, its either them or us, so lets take the battle to IS, lets bomb them and use UK/US Special Forces to either capture or kill them, IS down to its roots have to be destroyed.  IF IS is allowed to grow any more you can say goodbye to Syria and Iraq, they will no longer exist, thus back to the same argument, the West needs to place ground troops in Iraq and Syria, to roll back IS and make life safe for the good people of Iraq and Syria.   The more people fall under the influence of IS and the more money they have the harder they will be to destroyed.  Time to hit Syria and Iraq with a fist of steel, but remembering to learn the mistakes of the Iraq War, you need the manpower but also need the support of the local people, make the West their best hope for peace and a good life.  TIME TO ACT. 

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