Saturday, October 11, 2014

Obama on 39% Approval - Gallup

Gallup: Reports on President Obama's daily job approval rating, today POTUS is on  39% while 57% Disapprove of the job Obama is doing as POTUS. 

Lets Get Real:

Thus President Obama is a great weight on Democrats running in the 2014 Mid Terms, on the following the Oval is doing badly in Iraq and Syria, as in no real plan, those that killed the US Ambassador AND other US Citizens in Libya are still on the lose, there is a threat of terror attacks from Al Qaeda and IS, the scandal of the IRS going after Conservatives is still on going, ObamaCare is still throwing people off their health plans and various political and social issues are heading for the US Supreme Court.    IT will be interesting to see HOW POTUS handles these different issues, its not when you're riding high that counts but when you are at the bottom, and 39% is low for POTUS. 

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