Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Obama vs. The Generals - 2nd Term Blues

Telegraph: Reports on the reaction of the liberal base of the Democratic Party to the suggestion that  ground troops could be used in Iraq, the article notes the following, " The suggestion angered and alarmed Mr Obama's liberal supporters and prompted the White House to hastily rule out the possibility of Americans on the front line. "

Lets Get Real: 

As this blog tweeted the White House would have to row back the remarks by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, the liberal base elected President Obama, they are not happy will recent developments in Iraq, they would rather not take on IS.   Either IS is a major threat or it is not, the Oval can not have it both ways, what if IS starts to cause problems in Jordan and Lebanon, at some point the Oval will have to either break with the liberal base or allow IS to become a State in the Middle East.  Neither is a great choice for President Obama, well Obama wanted the job, not a lot of Presidents leave the White House happy, the exception being Reagan and Clinton, and Reagan had the edge because his VP was his successor.   Thus what will the Oval do when it comes time to really decide about Iraq and Syria. 

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