Thursday, May 15, 2014

The WORRY about the health of Secretary Clinton - The 2016 Race

Lets Get Real: 

Thus the fight for 2016 has started early, well lets be honest it started the moment President Obama won his 2nd Term as President, it has just been more open of late, the Republicans are right to fear Hillary Clinton up to a point, lets recall she lost to President Obama in 2008 when she was seen as the only winner by the experts, Obama showed that the well funded Clinton Campaign could be beaten.    Also lets be clear, Hillary Clinton is not Bill, she is not that great on the Campaign trail, also this time she will have to answer questions about her time as Obama's Secretary of State, which saw a failed restart with Russia, the Crisis that is Syria, the deaths of four Americans in Libya, how the US has become less popular and respected under President Obama, then we come to ObamaCare, will Mrs Clinton support the policy on the campaign trail, yes it could be a very hard, gruelling two years for Mrs Clinton, considering she has had a blood clot, and Bill has had heart problems. 

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