Wednesday, April 30, 2014

US vs. Russia and the Ukraine - Ukraine Crisis Latest 2

Lets Get Real: 

There is an old World War 2 saying, lose talks sinks ships, the Secretary should have a reformed one, lose talk can sink a US Secretary of State, thus the Russians are informed that that the NSA and other US Intelligence networks are listening to their on the ground movements, they will change the code or how they communicate with Moscow.  As stated in previous post, Secretary Kerry is a lose cannon, it is about time someone took the blame for the failure of the President Obama's foreign policy, the President never will, thus he should sack Kerry and get a new team, get some Russian/Soviet experts in, old hands who understand the Russian bear.   Putin will push and push, he sees history ahead, while Obama is just looking forward to the 2014 Mid Term Elections and the hope of keeping the US Senate, one might ask who has the better strategy. 

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