Tuesday, April 01, 2014

7 Million sing up for ObamaCare - REALLY? Do you trust the Obama Admin

Lets Get Real:

If you TRUST the Obama White House you need your right to VOTE taken away, those that trust the Obama White House are the same people who believe EVERY lie this Administration has stated, from Libya to the IRS scandal.   So questions to these CRAZY liberals and the elite media that kisses the backside of President Obama. 

1. How many of those enrolled in ObamaCare have paid.

2. Will the insurance companies need a bailout, if so do voters want to bailout ObamaCare and the Democratic Party.

3. How many of those that enrolled in ObamaCare had a plan before it was taken away by ObamaCare.

4. How many young and healthy have signed up, the con scheme that is ObamaCare only works if there are more young and health people than older people who are ill.

5. How many people have asked and being granted an exception, due to hardship, and this term NOW is very liberal, watching paint dry counts, in bed asleep, etc, thus do not have to pay a penalty.

6. How many people will be charged by the IRS for failing to get ObamaCare,? What is the cost of the IRS chasing people.

Those questions should be enough to keep Democrats worried right up in till November 2014, elections have results, lets hope for a Republican House and Senate and a Republican President in 2016. 

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