Friday, October 25, 2013

Obama's Gallup Poll Rating - 2nd Term Blues

Gallup: Reports on its daily poll on the job performance of President Obama, today POTUS has a " 42% Approval rating, while 52% Disapprove of the record of the Oval. ".

Lets Get Real: 

The honeymoon of the 2nd term did not last long for President Obama, he has had a Government shutdown, his beloved ObamaCare roll out has been a disaster, the Republicans are in no mood to pass the domestic agenda of a 2nd Obama term, while on the international front, the Oval has destroyed the reputation of the US as a World Power, the disaster that was Syria will be felt in Iran, it can only be a matter of time before Iran gets the bomb, this will force Obama to strike or Israel will have to do the job, one gets the impression that the Israeli Government understands that it can not trust the US and the Obama Administration.   Then we have the developing Civil War in Egypt, should it become an ALL out civil war the Suez Canal would come under threat and thus the economy of the West, and what has the Oval done, but cut off military support, thus preventing the US having any power in the region.   It is going to be a cold and hard three and half years for President Obama folks. 

*Folks this blog never changes the content of a post, only edits for spelling mistakes. 

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