Friday, September 06, 2013

The US Syrian Vote - Syria Crisis 2

Lets Get Real:

If your in the Obama White House you have to figure out is it better to have the vote and lose or not have the vote and delay the military operation,  if the Congress votes NO the Oval has a tough choice, either follow through with the military strike on Syria or postpone the operation for a future date.   One could get the impression from the Presidential press conference in Russia that the Oval has placed the decision with the Congress, as stated in this blog over the past few days and with the above article the Oval is facing a major defeat.   What ever the Oval does it losses, if it strikes without Congressional or UN approval liberals and US voters will no be happy, but it will confidence to Israel that the US will back it up at the end of the day, on the other hand no strike and the Obama word will be no good around the World, Israel might think that the Oval will bottle any action against Iran, thus leave it with no choice but to hit Iran hard, thus folks the Obama rhetoric has come back to haunt the Oval and the US. 

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