Thursday, September 12, 2013

Obama THE New Chamberlain - Farce in the Face of Syrian Deaths

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks we see in President Obama the NEW Neville Chamberlain, he does not have the bottle to be President, this Syrian fiasco will see North Korea, Iran and China try their luck, thus folks do not be surprised to see over the next few years growing tensions in Asia between North and South Korea, Iran thinking that since Obama has lost his bottle they have the green light to go nuclear, and China could even try to taker over Taiwan.   This appeasement policy of Obama is seen in his jumping on the Russian idea for Syria to give up its WMD to Russia and other UN Countries, this is not going to happen folks, the Assad Regime needs these weapons as a weapon of last resort, the idea that Russia is the Knight is shining armour is a fools gold.   One can even seen the Oval agreeing to a plan that is not backed up by force, Obama only cares about Obama, he does not care about the image of the US, the Oval, all that matters is Obama, that is the problem when you elect a weak egotist to the Oval, he makes Jimmy Carter look humble and wise, and that is saying something folks. 

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