Monday, August 12, 2013

Biden for 2016! - Give ME a Break!!

CNN - Politics: Reports that Vice - President Joe Biden is to visit Iowa State, the 1st caucus State in 2016. 

Lets Get Real: 

The very idea that Joe Biden could be the successor to Obama is a joke, this blog which is not American would win the Presidency over Biden, one can only assume the VP thinks that there might be a chance that Hillary Clinton will not run, well the tea leaves show a different picture, if Hillary wants the nomination she has got it, she has made sure the Oval will back her, Bill supported Obama through 2008/12 races, this is payback, and you do not double cross the Clintons.  Also lets do a counter factual, IF and its A BIG IF, Biden did win the nomination he would face a uphill struggle for the Presidency, one can assume that Obama's poll ratings will be low by 2016, Obama is no Reagan, and the last VP to replace this boss through election was Bush 41.  It is the silly season folks, this story comes under silly stories. 

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