Friday, June 14, 2013

The Clinton Factor - Syrian Civil War - Syrian Update 3

CNN - Politics: Reports on remarks by former President Bill Clinton, the former President stated that the US should be more active in Syria, these remarks were before the latest developments.

Lets Get Real:

Lets be clear folks, Bill Clinton can not stand President Obama, why should he, the 08 Campaign called him a racist, Bill Clinton is a lot of things, but he is no racist, it has been argued that he was in fact was the first Black President, as he understands and enjoys black culture, thus the race card attack must have hurt, also his wife when she become Secretary of State was not part on the Kitchen Cabinet, as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pressed to Oval to take more forceful action in Syria, she did not get her way.   The latest move by the Oval to support the Syrian rebels is down the ground won by the Assad Regime, and the critical reaction of Western allies to the lack of US action, but it would be interesting know how the Oval reacted to a critic of a policy by a former President, a President  who dealt with Bosnia after years of doing nothing, and was marched in to Kosovo by the UK PM Tony Blair, at least Clinton acted, also the Oval must be afraid that the Clinton Camp will start to take political shots at the Oval as way to distance itself from the Oval should Obama's polls tank over the next three years.   Politics at its heart can be quite personal, does President Obama want to make Clinton the wise old man of US Foreign Policy while he seen as weak, another Carter, one has doubts folks. 

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