Thursday, June 27, 2013

Obama and Edward Snowden - 2nd Term Blues

BBC News: Reports that President Obama has admitted that he has not phoned the Presidents of China and Russia when it comes to the US Traitor Edward Snowden. 

Lets Get Real: 

The folks the reason the Oval has not phoned Russia or China is the fact that these two Countries have Obama's number, it is called weakness, these Countries are having a field day in putting two fingers in to the eyes of the Oval.   At a news conference in Africa, President Obama stated that he would not send planes to get Edward Snowden, this is typical of the Oval, Snowden now knows that he can get on a plane to Cuba and the US Air Force will not try to divert the plane.  In the mid 80s President Reagan sent the US Air Force to divert terrorists to Italy after they had killed a US Citizen and had taken flight.   Thus the weakness of the Oval, no one is afraid of the Oval, after the Berlin speech the Obama " STAR SHOW " is over, thus you have a weak President at home and a President who is not loved or feared at abroad.  One does wish for the 80s folks. 

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