Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boston Bombing - Update 4

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks it can be expected that such States as New York will be on alert, the Boston Bombing at it essence was meant to create terror, a public holiday in Boston, families waiting at the finishing line to cheer on the runners,  the terrorists must have known and planned the attack to get GLOBAL attention, thus the UK Police will be on alert for the Thatcher funeral tomorrow, and the London Marathon on Sunday.    All those that support Democracy should not allow these terrorists cowards to change plans, that is what they want, after 7/7 in the UK the people got back on the Underground, the people of New York after 9/11 did not allow the terrorists to win, they rebuilt, they remember every year but they go on, in a way folks to misquote JFK we are Citizens of Boston today, we should run in fact and spirit for Democracy. 

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