Wednesday, March 06, 2013

UK and the Syria Crisis - Syrian Crisis Update 1

Lets Get Real: 

The US/UK are worried that the perception that the West is not helping the Syrian rebels will lead to Al Qaeda supporting  groups getting the credit when Assad falls, this would be a disaster for Western security.   The Syrian Civil War has cost over seventy thousand deaths, and hundreds of thousands of Syrians have been made in to refugees, this has made the region even less secure, the fighting of the Civil War has gone over the borders of Lebanon and Iraq, the Israeli Air Force has had to strike inside Syria to prevent the Assad Regime giving up to date military equipment to its terrorist allies.  This is not Libya folks, the OVAL can not lead from behind, the UK and France can not carry the ball in this latest crisis, when the Assad Regime falls the chemical weapons of Assad will need to be secured against them been given to the Assad's terrorists allies.   The US Department of Defence has planned for over seventy thousand US Soldiers to do this job, it will  cost folks, there will be a threat that the Soldiers could face fire from the Assad and Syrian rebels.   Thus watch this space folks. 

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