Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Syrian Chemical Weapons and Israel - Middle East 2

Guardian: Reports on a report that Israeli planes have hit a target on the Syrian/Lebanon border, the article notes the following, " Unconfirmed report of attack comes as Israel monitors region for possible chemical weapons convoys leaving Syria for Lebanon ".

Lets Get Real:

The Israeli Government will not allow terrorists in Lebanon to get hold of chemical weapons, if this was to happen Iran would suddenly become the 2nd threat to Israel.   One would assume that the Mossad of Israel, the CIA of the US and MI6 from the UK will have eyes on the ground in Syria.  The gradual destruction of the Assad Regime allows for Islamic terrorists groups to get their hands on weapons of mass destruction, and folks these groups will use these weapons.    Thus lets see if there 2nd confirmation for this story, it would up the crisis in Syria, the Assad Regime could use it for good PR, from their point of view it would be the Jewish State attacking them for a 2nd time of late, the last major attack was in 2007, when Israel prevented Assad going nuclear.   Think folks if Assad had the bomb, he could blackmail the region and the West.    Thus Israel should keep an eye on Syria, from the ground to the air, but get it right, do not hit a innocent convey, one can assume that the Oval has drones ALL over the Syrian chemical sites in case they have to be taken out, the next few weeks and months could be critical folks. 

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