Monday, January 07, 2013

New Chiefs at Defence and CIA - 2nd Obama Term

BBC News:  Reports that President Obama has nominated former Republican Senator Chuck Hagel as the next US Defence Secretary and his Obama's counter - terrorism advisor  John Brennan as head of the CIA. 

Lets Get Real:

Of the two nominations the selection of Mr Brennan should cause less problems on the whole, some liberals and even some Republicans might be worried that Mr Brennan was to close to the torture practices of Bush 43, but on the whole that is small crowd,  the major worry for the Oval is that the selection of Senator Hagel could unite the Republicans and even some Democrats who are worried that Hagel is to the left of POTUS on Israel and Iran, he has been critical of the Israeli lobby in US politics, yes folks he is that out there and wants talks with Iran.   This nomination could be in trouble, but a President should have who he wants in his Cabinet, lets see if POTUS backs up Hagel, he did not support his UN Ambassador for State.   The Defence nomination fight could define the 2nd Obama term, does the Oval have the power to push it through. 

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