Thursday, August 02, 2012

Obama's Class Warfare ATTACK - NOT American

Lets Get Real:

Folks if I didn't know this was the US I would think it would be EU. Its all the fault of Bush 43, those Republicans are to blame for Afghanistan, did 9/11 pass Obama by, was Bush 43 meant to say sorry to the Taliban. The Reagan defence spending in the 80s allowed for an economic boom, what has Obama done, he wants to cut spending, on TAXES, Reagan cut them, has Obama ever head the phrase, " Greed is Good ". Also the Oval knows if the Republicans hold the House and take the Senate he will not get a thing, so this pandering to the US left wing. Obama is a clever guy, if he really thinks is true he does not understand the US and his legacy could sink the Democratic Party. Think about it, Obama can NOT RUN AGAIN should he win, Obama is good on the rhetoric, the Dems do not have another Obama, try Obama's argument without Obama, its called being out of office folks.

Lets Get Real:

Folks this is the most vicious personal political advert this blog has ever seen, the Oval knows that Romney made his money through investments, not working in a factory, they are comparing the two, by that if you win on the Lottery you are a BAD PERSON, yes folks its that kind of rubbish argument. Romney has to let lose on Obama, go for the political balls, the Oval will lie and do anything to win, its the Chicago way, time to fight fire with fire.

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