Friday, March 02, 2012

Containment and Iran

The New York Times: Reports that President Obama in an interview has stated that the US will not follow a containment policy when it comes to Iran. The question folks for Israel is will Obama follow through on any pledge to Israel, could the man who won the Noble Prize for doing nothing really sanction the a first strike on Iran by the US. This blog has its doubts, it can be argued that Obama is trying to hold off Israel before the US election and then try to force a deal on them that allows for a nuclear armed Iran. That is more likely than the idea that Obama would start another War in the Middle East. Lets recall his action in Libya didn’t go down well with the US left, and lets get political here folks, POTUS can not afford for the left to stay home on election day, thus if Israel as stated many times in this blog, it is the time to strike Tehran, remove the threat, POTUS will have to support you, he does not have a great poker hand.

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