Tuesday, February 28, 2012

50% Job Disapproval for POTUS - Gallup

Gallup: Reports on its daily job performance poll for President Obama, today POTUS has a 43% Approval rating, while 50% of Americans Disapprove of the Obama record. This will not go down well with the Oval or the Chicago Re-Elect Committee, buts its only one day folks, lets see the polls when the Republicans have nominated a nominee, then it will be interesting to see, if the Republicans nominate Senator Santorum then one can see President Obama wining, the main stream media would make it clear that Santorum is far right when it comes to social issues, that is all you will hear, the Obama record on the economy is a disaster, even with the unemployment rate coming down from 9% to around 8.3%. The Democrats have to make the Republican Candidate the issue, with Romney that would be harder, all you hear form the Conservatives in the Republican race is that Romney is a moderate, thus this should appeal to moderate swing voters in November. The Democrats needs Santorum to win, otherwise Obama will be in trouble. Thus the reason on the whole that the MSM has not really gone for Santorum, they cant destroy him in till the General Election, they would have a problem with Romney as stated above.

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