Friday, January 13, 2012

US warns Iran - Persian Gulf

The New York Times: Reports that the Obama Administration has warned the Tehran Regime through a secret channel that closing the Strait of Hormuz is a red line, any such closure and the US would react with military force. This was a mistake by the Oval, secret communications with Iran always ends badly, just look at Iran - Contra during the Reagan Administration. One would not be surprised if Tehran tried to play games with President Obama, Tehran it can be argued has worked out that Obama is worried that he will have another War in the Middle East, the liberal base of the Democratic Party was not happy that the US was part of the NATO mission to overthrow Colonel Gaddafi, they would not be happy for President Obama off all people to be fighting Iran. Thus Iran could offer concessions that look good at first, but end up with the US selling out Israel, that the problem with secret talks, they start out as one thing, Reagan thought he was talking to moderates in Tehran but it turned in to arms for hostages. The Oval should have followed the 2nd Reagan example, sending in the US Fleet, protecting tankers and taking on Iran, even sinking their ships and platforms, that’s the lesson of Iran that Obama should have learned about the Reagan Administration. Also if it’s a secret channel, what’s it doing on the front page of the NYT web site.

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