Sunday, January 01, 2012

Out of THEIR Minds! - Miliband’s New War

Guardian: Reports that the Labour Party is attacking the BBC for “ ..lack of political balance in its news coverage …Labour chiefs have written to the corporation raising concerns.. ”. If Ed Milliband really thinks that the BBC is supporting the Coalition Government he has lost the plot, the reason that Labour is doing badly is HIM, the voters have made their judgement on Ed Miliband, he does not cut the mustered, he is seen as left wing, the Unions gave him the job, also he killed off his brother's political prospects. The BBC is so Guardian readers its would be really surprising if they did anything positive about the Coalition. The press during the Blair years feed off the crumps given to it, well up to IRAQ. Lets get real here folks, Miliband is no Tony Blair, Blair was a great actor, Miliband just comes across as odd, not your natural leading man, you can see Blair walking around Downton Abbey, Miliband would be the under footman that no one likes, harsh but true folks, politics is all about vanity now folks, do you look good on TV, you have to be reasonable actor or a showman, and Miliband is neither at the moment.

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