Friday, December 02, 2011

Obama and Class Warfare

The White House: Statement by President Obama on failed Senate Agenda. The President has stated the following, “ Tonight, Senate Republicans chose to raise taxes on nearly 160 million hardworking Americans because they refused to ask a few hundred thousand millionaires and billionaires to pay their fair share. They voted against a bill that would have not only extended the $1,000 tax cut for a typical family, but expanded that tax cut to put an extra $1,500 in their pockets next year, and given nearly six million small business owners new incentives to expand and hire. That is unacceptable. It makes absolutely no sense to raise taxes on the middle class at a time when so many are still trying to get back on their feet. Now is not the time to put the economy and the security of the middle class at risk. Now is the time to rebuild an economy where hard work and responsibility pay off, and everybody has a chance to succeed. Now is the time to put country before party and work together on behalf of the American people. And I will continue to urge Congress to stop playing politics with the security of millions of American families and small business owners and get this done. Does Obama ever bother to check the statements put out under his name, in the statement Obama states that it ismakes absolutely no sense to raise taxes on the middle class ”, who does Obama thinks pays for the middle class in many respects, yes it’s the rich, by this blog definition the rich are small business owners, or those that are millionaires and billionaires, they pay most of the taxes, they buy the goods that are made by the working or middle class. These two groups know life is hard, thus they tend to be quite conservative in their spending habits, if you tax the rich, you don’t get the unemployment rate down, you don’t get tax revenue up, all you do is feed the class warfare ideology of the left and Obama. President Obama confirms what we knew already folks, he conned the US voter in 2008, he is left wing liberal, who does not understand Americans, in fact it can be argued that he does not like up and coming Americans, he seems to think that the poor have some morale claim on the wealthy to look after them from birth to death, that’s BS folks, if your poor giving you money does not help, you can either teach someone to fish or give them fish, if you give them fish but not the next day or the next day they starve, if you teach them, they can feed themselves.

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