Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Is Cain TOAST ? - 2012 Republican Race

The New York Times: Reports that one of the women in the sexual harassment allegations against Republican front runner Herman Cain was given a thirty five thousand dollars pay off by the trade body that Cain lead. Thus far folks the liberal NYT has nothing, its still unnamed sources, no details, no dates, its all very murky, and down in the article it states that the woman left for other reason beyond the Cain angle. The extreme liberal NYT is fishing folks, its desperate for the woman to come out, otherwise it does not have a story. Also as the lawyer for the woman noted last night on CNN she works for the Federal Government, why would it not surprise me if she worked in Washington D.C. Lets hope the Obama Campaign has nothing to do with this folks, but am not holding my breath, lets recall they are in Chicago, even God has written those politicians off, to much hard work.

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