Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Herman Cain and Sexual Assault Charge ? - Graphic Detail

Telegraph: Reports that a 50 year old woman, Sharon Bialek has come forward with a detail charge of sexual assault against the Republican frontrunner Herman Cain. There is now a face to the sexual charges against Mr Cain, the Cain Campaign has rejected the charges as false. Thus the result folks, is Cain finished ?, really depends if more women come out and with similar kind of charges, or if the main stream media as they will try to make sure that the Cain Campaign cant attack Ms Bialek. Politics is a brutal business folks, can the Cain Campaign come back form this, as stated depends on future events, but it does not look good, pity in many respects, the Republicans can not afford to have their own Bill Clinton. Thus its Romney all the way folks, Conservatives might not love Romney but at least he is not Obama, and is a pure as the driven snow when it comes to scandal.

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