Thursday, October 06, 2011

President Obama and his Jobs Plan

Telegraph Live: Reports that President Obama is calling on Congressional Republicans to pass his jobs plan. This is the usual hot air out of the STAR, even his own Senate Democrats wont vote for this class warfare tax plan, why do left wing liberals always want to tax people who have worked hard and made money, yes its easy to bash the bankers, but at the end of the day you need the bankers, yes in other walks of life they would be doing time, but this is the real world. The housing crisis that lead to 2008 banking collapse has its routes in the Clinton Administration pushing the policy that everyone should have a home even if they didn’t earn enough or barely had a job. Thus the banking and sovereign debt problem that the West has NOW comes from the selfish polices of those on the left. You don’t find the left admitting that its was its own polices that created this economic mess, and now they want to tax the rich, SORRY, but who spends on luxury goods in a recession, the poor ? NO, the better off, if you tax people for making money they don’t spend, no money in the system you have people thrown out of work, then an increase in welfare. This blog is getting sick to death of hitting the bankers, YES some could do with some jail time, but its not going to happen, so get over it YOU on the left. Its time to work with the bankers, make them want to come to the US and the UK, put away the rubbish ideology and think of new ideas, after the failure of the left they should be a lot more humble.

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