Wednesday, October 05, 2011

The Cameron Speech - VERDICT

Guardian Live: Reports on the political verdict by writers and those that comment on politics, the Guardians Michael White writes the following, “ There's a lot of Blair in this speech….optimism.. ”. In the present economic mess the PM could hardly do a dance on the stage speech and say all was well, if you just watch the riots in Athens to see that is NOT SO, the constant Eurozone Crisis would tell you the EU and the Western economy is facing going over a cliff. Thus the PM stated that both the Government and individuals are cutting back on their debt. In broad terms the speech was a typical conservative speech, helping business, wanting public schools to be as good as private schools, but what made it a modern Conservative speech was the call to help the poor of Africa, also the support Gay marriage, it has taken PM Cameron to move the Conservative Party in the right way. The PM stressed how in many respects he is following the Blair model with liberal intervention as was the case with Libya, how it was in the national security interest of the UK. But of course the difference between Cameron and Blair is the fact that Cameron used the UN, the NATO action in Libya had UN approval, this was not the case with Iraq it has been argued with some justification, even if this blog supported the War. The speech was lot more polished than the one given by Ed Miliband the Labour leader, the PM had an attack on the view that you could decide what was good or bad business, this was a PM’s speech, the Miliband speech you would give at a seminar lecture. Thus on the whole good Conservative Party Conference, Mr Miliband will have lift his game to be the labour leader in 2015.

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