Monday, October 03, 2011

30,000 Greeks to get the BOOT - Eurozone Crisis

The New York Times: Reports that thirty thousand Greek public sector workers are to lose their jobs. The has been the idea for weeks folks, if not months, and they still have not got around to giving anyone the boot, its about time the Greek Government woke up, it should be making deeper cuts, the Greek public sector is bloated, worse that the liberal NYT, the Troika should demand at least 40,000 in the public sector get the boot, and no redundancy pay either, that comes out of the taxes paid by the rest of the EU. The Greeks will get OUR money because otherwise the Banks of France and Germany would default, in some respects the Greeks have a loaded gun at the head of the EU. At what point does the EU/IMF/ECB say to Greece grow up, that’s for the Government and the people, you have lived off the wealth of others, well its over, either make cuts or the EU will cut bait, this is harsh folks but life is harsh.

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