Wednesday, August 10, 2011

40% Approval for POTUS = Gallup

Gallup: Reports in its latest daily tracking poll, President Obama has a 40% Approval rating, while 50% of Average voters Disapprove of the job performance of Obama. The Oval must be glad the election is a year and half away, also that it can recall the case study of Ronald Reagan who had a 35% Approval rating. But and there is always a BUT folks, the difference this time is that Reagan had the developing booming economy, Obama has 9.1% unemployment, low growth, and this is not expected to change much by next year. The S&P downgrade really has hurt the Oval, one is surprised that the Oval has not used the race card on the S&P, give the left wing time folks, they will. Also Afghanistan is not good, but its Obama’s War, he agreed to the double surges, now he is playing politics with the issue, thus don’t expect any sympathy from this blog. It can be argued that either Romney or Perry can beat Obama next year, thus expect a dirty fight folks, very dirty.

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