Friday, June 17, 2011

Reshuffling the Deck Chairs on the Titanic - Greece

BBC News: Reports that the Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou has done a Cabinet reshuffle. According to the article this will mean that the EU/IMF will give Greece a top up from the 1st bailout out, in other words folks the politicians of Europe don’t have a clue. They are throwing rather good money down the toilet, Greece is drug addict, its time for cold turkey, not free drugs at the cost of the taxpayers of the France and Germany. Lets be clear, Greece will crash, its just a matter of time, the politicians of the EU are putting the European Union at risk, Greece is a contagious, it has economic HIV and will give Aids to the rest of the EU. One cant blame the Greeks, if the EU/IMF is throwing money at you, your going take it, the EU is a drug dealer and Greece is its customer, those relationships don’t end well folks.

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