Friday, April 01, 2011

When a Soldier is not Soldier! - Libya

Guardian: Reports that there are many Special Forces from the US and the UK in Libya, also the Intelligence Services, CIA and MI6 have people on the ground. One can argue with some justification that both the US and UK have been economical with the truth when it comes to boots on the ground, as in are there main armed forces there the answer is NO, but Special Forces it seems don’t count, well they do for this blog, they are boots on the ground, they are soldiers, lets hope they have great success and no failures. The rebels need to be trained, they need a structure of command, also if the US and the UK do give weapons to the rebels they will have to be trained in the use of these weapons, lets make sure they a low grade weapons, nothing that come back to haunt the West in the future. Who Dares Wins folks.

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