Monday, April 18, 2011

Donald Trump for President ?

The Hill: A call from a Democrat for Donald Trump to run for the Republican nomination. Of course the view among Democrats is that Mr Trump would be great for President Obama, in a race between Obama and Trump it is postulated by Democrats that Obama would win hands down. Lets recall Democrats in 1980 wanted Ronald Reagan to win the Republican nomination, the great Democratic Speaker Tip O' Neill was one of those Democrats, they thought Reagan would be easy to beat, big mistake. There is an old saying, be careful what you wish for, lets recall Mr Trump is very rich, POTUS is expected to raise one billion dollars for his re-election campaign, it can be postulated that Mr Trump could double that with a phone call, yes he’s that rich. One of the reasons that Mr Trump is high in Republican polls is his doubts about where POTUS was born, but this just might be a way to win the Republican nomination, then move to the centre, so careful Democrats what you wish for, if Oval don’t be to critical of DT, if you annoy him to much he just might run in 2012.

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