Friday, March 11, 2011

The US Secret Service and Ronald Reagan

Telegraph: Reports that the US Secret Service Radio communicatoin at the time of the Ronald Reagan assassination attempt has been released after thirty years. This is an important piece of historical material folks, 1981 was the year of assassination attempts, in Egypt, Rome and Washington. Its one of the great Ifs of history if Reagan had died that March day in 1981 would the USSR still be around, would Eastern Europe still be under the control of Moscow, would the US have won the Cold War. One can argue and this blog does argue that without Reagan the world would have been a very different place, there would have been no President Gorbachev, the selection of Gorbachev as General Secretary was based on the need to counter Reagan, thus with no Reagan and Gorbachev no end of the Cold War, the Berlin Wall would still be up, Eastern Europe would be under the control of Moscow, the freedom of 1989 would have been a dream. Thus thank God that Reagan survived, the world owes much to this great President.

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