Friday, March 11, 2011

Appeasement and the EU

Guardian: Reports on the failure of the EU to support a UK and French plan for a No Fly Zone in Libya, the article states the following on the EU meeting, “… ghosts from the 1990s of division, appeasement, and impotence when Europe failed to halt the fighting in former Yugoslavia. ”. It seems EU leaders never learn from history, the people of Libya want freedom and they will be killed for wanting such a right, the UK and France should show up these weak appeasers, use their own military might in enforece a No Fly Zone, make EU look weak, really show up Germany as toothles, at this rate Gaddafi will win and Iran will get the bomb and the world will be in a lot more dangerous place, Israel will see from a weak EU and White House that for its own defence it will have to strike the nuclear facilites of Iran, the rest of the world has learned nohting from the tradgegy of Bosnia in the 1990s. In one way it’s the fault of former UK PM Tony Blair and US President George W. Bush, the world is afraid to take action after the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but at least these leaders stood up, the Coalition PM David Cameron has tried but he has been let down by a weak Obama Administration and toothless EU.

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