Thursday, March 24, 2011

Portugal = Next to Fall ?

Guardian: Reports that Portugal is expected to ask for economic bailout following in the footsteps of Greece and Ireland. Thus the PIGS are falling folks, the next on the cards and the most troubling is Spain, the EU fund can take care of Portugal but Spain is another matter, at what point does the defence of the Euro become MAD, a political con that no one has the courage to bury, the Euro is killing the weaker economic countries of the EU. If Spain falls then it should be allowed to fall, the UK should not at any cost bailout any more countries. The debt cancer is killing any chance of recovery, sooner or later the cancer has to be seen its whole, and it might be that the UK should allow it to kill the economies of the weaker EU counties, thus the EU could then restart, fresh, this way it’s a death of thousand cuts, good money down the toilet.

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