Monday, March 07, 2011

Political Pressure on Obama = Libya

Guardian: Reports on the political pressure in the US for President Obama to take military action in Libya to overthrow Colonel Gaddafi. In pure political terms this could be a major win for the Oval, take out Colonel Gaddafi, show the World that President Obama has some backbone and almost make sure that the Obama re-election committee has a easy job in 2012. It comes down to this folks, if President Obama takes action over Libya he wins in 2012, if he does not he is another Jimmy Carter. That is the brutal political choice folks, the US voter wants a strong President, a President that will take action even if the Russians are not happy, in fact if the Russians are not happy that is a major bonus, if you add the French its get the drinks out time, its Party time, the election is a formality. Lets take if for granted that the CIA has some knowledge of the location of Colonel Gaddafi, well all POTUS has to do is do a Reagan, send in waves of planes to take the Mad Dog OUT.

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