Monday, March 07, 2011

Terror Trials and the Obama Administration

Well folks it has taken two and half years but President Obama is to return to the Bush 43 policy of holding terrorism trials at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The President in a written statement has stated the following, “ From the beginning of my Administration, the United States has worked to bring terrorists to justice consistent with our commitment to protect the American people and uphold our values. Today, I am announcing several steps that broaden our ability to bring terrorists to justice, provide oversight for our actions, and ensure the humane treatment of detainees. I strongly believe that the American system of justice is a key part of our arsenal in the war against al Qaeda and its affiliates, and we will continue to draw on all aspects of our justice system – including Article III Courts – to ensure that our security and our values are strengthened. Going forward, all branches of government have a responsibility to come together to forge a strong and durable approach to defend our nation and the values that define who we are as a nation ”. The liberal left wing will go bonkers, will be curious to see how the Liberal New York Times deals with the story and the other left wing media in the US. Lets get these trials going, get these people convicted and executed.

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