Saturday, March 26, 2011

No Message from President Obama = Libya

Guardian: Has an interesting comment piece in the Guardian, as the Guardian is left wing, or liberal in US terms, this comment piece is interesting as it attacks POTUS for his lack of talking to the US voter about the recent US military action in Libya, the commentary as a very stinging end, “ But when you send soldiers off to fight, you have to tell the American people why. I'm just flabbergasted. ”. And folks this is from the left, this blog does not have a problem with POTUS taking action, it was late but he got there at the end, but when you send the US armed forces in to combat you have to get your face on the TV, in first years in office POTUS could not help himself but be on TV everyday, this is the time for a chat from the Oval Office. When Reagan sent in the US Armed Forces in to action in 1983 he didn’t bother with Congress, he had the authority and took action, and Reagan was lucky, when the US returned US citizens to the US, one of them kissed the floor, the Democrats just stopped. In 1984 Reagan won 49 States, and 525 Electoral votes, the highest ever, if Obama wants to re-election he needs as stated in this blog a better PR section of the White House, the elite liberal media will carry him but the US voter does not trust the liberal news media, thus POTUS needs to talk to them, he is behind the curve on this, and voters don’t vote on the academic curve.

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