Friday, February 04, 2011

US Senate Tribute to Ronald Reagan

The Hill: Reports on tributes to Ronald Reagan by both Republicans and Democrats. After the death of JFK, the Vietnam War, the political scandal of Watergate and the end of the Nixon Presidency, and the failure of the Carter Presidency the US got lucky, it elected Ronald Reagan, the Reagan Agenda cut taxes, increased military spending, cut government spending, on the international front, Reagan did not lose inch of ground the USSR. The Reagan Presidency saw the West push back the USSR in Afghanistan and in Southern America. Due to the Reagan Presidency the USSR gained a new leader in Gorbachev, with Gorbachev as a partner President Reagan ended the Cold War, with a few months of his leaving office in 1989 the Berlin Wall came down, in many respects Reagan gave freedom to Eastern Europe without a shot being fired by the US. Thus Reagan was a great President.

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