Tuesday, February 22, 2011

President Obama 55% Disapproval - Rasmussen

Rasmussen Reports: Its latest daily tracking poll has President Obama at 55% Disapproval while 44% approve of the job performance of POTUS. Over the next two years President Obama will have the following political problems, his health care reform, the idea that it would get popular after it was passed has failed to appear, also the fact that Federal Courts have declared it illegal makes sure that ObamaCare will be on the political landscape in till the November 2012 Presidential Election, the fourteen trillion debt has to be dealt with, the Democrats are so glued to their bases, the Unions, people on benefit that they don’t have the political guts to tell these groups that the good years are over, there have to be cuts, and deep cuts, the age that voters retire has to go up, the welfare structure has to be cut, thus medical services will have to be means tested. In other words folks the rich will have to pay more for less. On the international front, Obama is showing more weakness that Jimmy Carter, the Libya people are getting shot by their own Air Force and POTUS has not said a word, to talk about freedom in the Middle East would confirm the polices of Bush 43, that is a major ego problem for President Obama. Also we have Iran and Afghanistan on the horizon, Iran could get the bomb by 2012, will Israel and Obama allow a nuclear armed Iran after recent event in the Middle East. Also the planned 2014 exit out of Afghanistan has a long way to go, you cant give the impression that the terrorists have won, thus tough problem. Thus the 2012 re-elect committee has a tough hand to play, lets see are they any good when there are negatives, when your chief plus in the shape President Obama has 55% disapproval rating.

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