Sunday, February 27, 2011

Our Heroic Armed Forces and Libya

Telegraph: Reports how the RAF and the SAS/SBS were used to get UK and Western Citizens out of Libyan Desert. The Western reaction has been tougher over the weekend folks, the Coalition Government has gotten its act together, but its time for a No Fly Zone in Libya, also its time to think outside the box, lets think about sending in the SAS/SBS to take out Colonel Gaddafi, otherwise a lot more brave Libyans might get killed, the Colonel has earned his nickname from President Reagan, he is acting like a Mad Dog, when a Dog goes crazy and kills you only have one option, what if Colonel Gaddafi uses his biological or chemical weapons on his people, what if he follows the 1979 Iran route and takes Western hostages, better to take the risk and take out Colonel Gaddafi NOW, that’s the job of MI6,CIA and the Special Forces at the end of the day, fast and efficient black ops job with no fingerprints.

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