Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Politics of Tuition Fees - Nick Clegg

Telegraph: Reports that the DPM Nick Clegg regrets opposing tuition fees while in Opposition. That is the problem for the Liberal Democrats, since 1922 with the exception of WW2 and the National Government of the 1930s the Liberals have not had to deal with real politics, they could jump on any popular opposition course while knowing they didn’t have to govern, NOW its is different, they are part of a Coalition Government, their words have consequences, thus this should be lesson to Ed Miliband the new Labour Leader, while in Opposition be careful what you oppose it might come back to hit you on the backside should you return to Government. The students of today will have to follow the US model, they will have work, no longer a free handout from the Government, if they want to blame anyone look at Labour, they left no money behind.

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