Sunday, October 24, 2010

Mid Term Polls

RCP: Reports on its Average of the generic polls for Mid Term Congressional Elections, the Parties stand at the following, Republicans 49.1% and Democrats 41.6%, a Republican lead of 7.7%. This kind of swing would give the Republicans a good working majority in the House and close to parity with the Democrats in the Senate. Thus the question is what will POTUS do, can he get beyond his own ideological agenda, can see that the US is to his right. The success of Reagan and Clinton was their ability to be pragmatic, to deal with real world of politics, Reagan would rent votes in the House for deals in local districts that benefited the Congressman, very much like LBJ. Clinton could see that the centre had moved to the right thus followed an Agenda that most moderate or even Conservative Republicans could support, its called being a good politician, even if Reagan just called himself an ex Actor and not a politician. Thus my political advice to POTUS, give the Republicans the Bush 43 tax cuts they want, they might be able to over ride a Presidential veto of tax cuts to all, also start to fight your base, the voters wont take President Obama as a serious politician unless he takes on his base, thus he should tell his base that he will reform ObamaCare, that the US will stay and win in Afghanistan, that there is no more money for government jobs. This just might get POTUS re-elected in 2012, no guarantees but it better than being another Jimmy Carter.

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