Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Ed Miliband Years

In modern politics; in the TV age; you have to have IT, this is defined as STAR power, in recent elections in the US that IT was President Obama, in the past it was JFK and Reagan. The reason for this post is the fact that Ed Miliband is the new Labour Leader and he does not have IT, in 1994 when Tony Blair was elected he had IT, and lets be honest up to Iraq and even after he still had that appeal, he did win the 2005 election after all, its only of late that the elite in the media and politics has turned on Blair. It can argued that neither Obama or Blair have aged well, Reagan looked great at the end of his Presidency, his predecessor Jimmy Carter looked old in 1980. That is the fickle age folks, one minute a rock star, then please get out of the way and let the door hit you on the way out for good measure. Also how can Ed Miliband ask the UK voter to TRUST him when he has just stabbed his own brother in the back, it might be the norm in the Labour Party and Labour Party voters but its not the norm to the rest of the electorate. There is a classic example of this, when Obama threw his white ill grandmother under the bus by stating she had perceived racist views to save his black racist and left wing Pastor, the elite media thought he was honest and fawned over him ( the elite media in the US are parental racist, thus its okay for an African - American to be racist but not a white working class guy. Lets be clear racism is WRONG, colour, white, black, brown, does not matter, is the character that counts, and when it fails its about the person ), but Obama’s poll ratings have gone down the toilet ( due to the fact that he ran as a moderate but has turned out to be a extreme liberal, you seen trust folks, once you lose that voter looks at your character on the whole, as noted above Obama crossed a line with his denouement of his grandmother, to protect a Pastor that had got him up the ladder in Chicago politics ) , one of the reasons is that Obama was WRONG, there are some lines you don’t cross, and throwing blood over the cliff is wrong with the exception if they break the law, armed robbery you get the idea! Thus what Ed Miliband has done with cost him, Labour cant see that, what lesson does that send out to families, its okay it seems in the nuclear family to sabotage family members, destroy their careers in many respects, think about that! Thus if Ed Miliband will stab his brother in the back can he be trusted not to stab the VOTER or the COUNTRY in the back ( the tea party in US is based on the idea that Washington D.C under the Democrats and Obama have spent the US in to ruin), something things are more important than politics.

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