Monday, August 09, 2010

Public Spending Cuts in the UK

Guardian: Reports on the Departmental fights with the UK Government when it comes to public spending cuts and funding, in Defence leaks we have seen that the RAF could be down World War 1 levels, on Welfare reform there have been leaks that the Secretary of State will resign if he does not get the money to change the corrupt system, at Education we have seen announced cuts but also the debate as to how to fund a programme to help the poorer children. It is simple folks, as Yes Minister stated the more money you have to spend in a Department the more important the Department is in Whitehall but also the importance of the Secretary of State. The UK Treasury wants cuts of between 25% to 40% as to cut the Government debt, a lot of Departments under Labour spent money like a drunken sailor, thus a rearguard action to keep cuts to each department at a lower level, but if the UK economy is to return to the black there has to bee deep and hard cuts, it has to hurt folks, otherwise we will go like Greece, and that would be a disaster, the cuts would be forced on us from the IMF or even worse the US. Thus cut NOW, and get our self respect back, we once had an Empire for God Sake.

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