Friday, July 23, 2010

Tony Blair in the US HOT Seat over BP and Libya ?

Telegraph: Reports on the request by a US Senate Committee that former UK PM Tony Blair appear before it to discuss UK Government links with Libya and if these connections lead to the release of the Lockerbie bomber. How dare these Senators up for re-elections try to drag Tony Blair in to their Campaign runs, this request is nothing more than political play, a former UK PM does not have to justify his action to the US Senate, Mr Blair should tell the US Senate to take a running jump over a big cliff, the US Senate should keep their nose out and look in to how Obama Administration using the offer of public jobs to get people not to run in different State races, the request by the US Senate should be used as toilet paper. What cheek by the US Senate, a former or a current UK PM only has to answer to the House of Commons or Inquires set up by the House of Commons. END OF SUBJECT.

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