Friday, July 23, 2010

Threat from North Korea - NO WAY!

Guardian: Reports that North Korea has stated that it will take physical action should the planned military exercises between the US and South Korea take place. In one word folks, Rubbish, the North Koreans are not nutty enough to attack the US Fleet, the Obama Administration would have no choice but to take military action, this is further hot air from North Korea, the problem with North Korea its hard to see what they want, they have been offered a great deal by the US and its Allies, give up its nuclear programme and it gets all it wants, but recent tensions between North and South Korea has more to do with the succession problem in North Korea, thus its hard to see which forces are pushing for recent tensions, the nutty Dear Leader in need of Prozac or some military forces who want to replace the “ Royalty “ of North Korea, one thing can be postulated folks North Korea is all bluff no backbone.

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